Woodchurch Charities

Woodchurch has three community charities for the support of residents and oversee the running of the Village Green

Sir Edward Hales Charity
(Legge Farm Charity)

Charity# 1206197
Sir Edward Hales Charity (also known as Legge Farm Charity) was originally established in 1610 by Dame Deborah Waterhouse, Giles Master and 12 others (names unknown) when an estate in Woodchurch and Kenardington comprising of approximately 10 acres of land (known as Legge Farm), was put into trust. Income from the trust were to be used
from time to time employed to the increase of allowance to such of the most honest, aged and impotent poor of the parish of Woodchurch who had not been accustomed to beg or pilfer in their youth, and non other“.

The trust was first registered with the Charities Commission on 22nd September 1962 with the registered objects
For the benefit of the most honest, aged and impotent poor of the parish of Woodchurch who had not been accustomed to beg or pilfer in their youth

It became an incorporated charity  on 14th December 2023 with the registered objects
“The relief of poverty amongst residents of the parish of Woodchurch for the public benefit by providing grants to individuals in need”

The aim of the charity is to provide an emergency fund towards the financial support of any resident of Woodchurch who is generally in need and to help relieve poverty and hardship.

Approximate annual income: £1,600

Woodchurch Windmill Trust

Charity# 1205320
Woodchurch Windmill Trust was founded on the 14th October 1947 by codicil to the will of Sir Sydney Hugo Nicholson. The stated purpose of the trust was that
The Trustees shall apply the clear income of the charity as they think fit for any charitable purpose for the general benefit of the inhabitants of the Parish of Woodchurch for which provision is not made out of rates, taxes or other public funds“.

The trust was first registered with the Charities Commission on 18th February 1966 with the registered objects
Any charitable purposes for the general benefit of the inhabitants of the Parish of Woodchurch for which provision is not made out of rates, taxes or other public funds

It became an incorporated charity  on 19th October 2023 with the registered objects
“Any charitable purposes for the general benefit of the inhabitants of the parish of Woodchurch for which provision is not made out of rates, taxes or other public funds”

The aim of the charity is to use the income generated by the Trust to give donations to other groups within the Parish of Woodchurch for the benefit the village residents .

Approximate annual income: £500

Village Green Charity

Charity# 1205468
The Village Green Trust was was established in an indenture on the 24th August 1859. The trust was established to manage
a piece of land of irregular shape, situated in the Parish of Woodchurch, containing in the whole by estimation six acres, or thereabouts, and known as the Village Green“.
The Village Green Trust was later registered with the Charities Commission as the “Village Green” charity on the 16th July 1925 and the land (which include the village green, car park and the grass strip along the North East edge of The Green) was registered with the Register of Town and Village Greens in the 12th March 1968 – Registration # VG.55.
The registered object for the charity were
Village Green- recreation ground or open space

It became an incorporated charity  on 27th October 2023 with the registered objects
“To oversee the upkeep and management of Woodchurch Village Green to further or benefit the residents of the parish of Woodchurch”

The purpose of the charity is to oversee the upkeep and management of Woodchurch Village Green

Approximate annual income: Currently none

Contact details for the charities: 

Legge Farm Charity
c/o Woodchurch HUB,
The Green,
Kent TN26 3PA

email: enquiries@leggefarmcharity.uk
tel: 01233 861381

Woodchurch Windmill Trust
c/o Woodchurch HUB,
The Green,
Kent TN26 3PA

email: enquiries@woodchurchwindmilltrust.uk
tel: 01233 861381

Village Green Charity
c/o Woodchurch HUB,
The Green,
Kent TN26 3PA

email: enquiries@villagegreencharity.uk
tel: 01233 861381

Or use the contact form below