Community Support Request

The Woodchurch Community Volunteers group has grown from village residents who so generously volunteered their time during the pandemic lockdown. It is now a group of residents who have volunteered to more generally help support others in the village.

Who are the Community Volunteers here to help?

  • If you are a Woodchurch resident and are unable to get out of the house then a volunteer could assist by collecting your shopping or other urgent supplies.
  • If you are a club or society that is looking for some additional help for a meeting or an event then there may be Community Volunteers who are willing to help.
  • If you need help with a project or need something moved within the village then we may be able to put you in contact with a volunteer who could assist.

Once we receive your request we will let our pool of volunteers know what is needed and then put you in contact with a volunteer(s) who could help.

Stay at home if you have a fever or new persistent cough, and follow the latest government guidelines on or ring 111. DO NOT ATTEND THE GP SURGERY