Woodchurch Parish Council Notices

Whilst we endevour to ensure that the final approved versions of the Parish Council Notices are included here, to ensure that you are viewing the latest versions for any given document please contact the parish clerk to obtain a definitive copy

Document DateDocument Link
20 Jun 2024

Agenda for 27th June 2024 Meeting

21 Jun 2024

Parish Council Comment April 2022

21 Jun 2024

Parish Council Comment August 2021

23 May 2024

Agenda 30th May 2024

07 May 2024

Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Anual Governance & Accountability Return for 2023-2024

01 Apr 2024


25 May 2024

Notice of Vacancy Julian West

27 Apr 2024

Agenda Extraordinary Meeting 7th May 2024

18 Apr 2024

Highlights of Village Survey

19 Apr 2024

Agenda 25th April 2024

18 Apr 2024

Highlights of Village Survey

09 Apr 2024

Annual Parish Meeting

03 Apr 2024

Notice of Vacancy C Sales

22 Mar 2024

Agenda 28th March 2024 Web

16 Feb 2024

Agenda 22nd February 2024

19 Jan 2024

Agenda For Meeting January 25th 2023

08 Dec 2023

Agenda for 21st December 2023

15 Nov 2023

Agenda for 23rd November 2023

03 Nov 2023

External Audited AGAR 2022-23

03 Nov 2023

External Audit Completion Notice 2022-2023

19 Oct 2023


20 Oct 2023

Agenda 26th October 2023

29 Sep 2023

23.09.29 Woodchurch Parish Council External Audit Report Update

29 Sep 2023

Notice of Vacancy for Richard George

21 Sep 2023

23.09.21 Woodchurch PC Notice of Casual Vacancy – Nicola Job

21 Sep 2023

Agenda 28 September 2023

18 Aug 2023

Agenda 24 August 2023 with links

23 Jul 2023

Agenda – 27 July 2023

21 Jun 2023

Notice of Vacancy June 2023

10 Jun 2023

Agenda – 15 June 2023

18 May 2023

Agenda – 18 May 2023

16 Apr 2023

Agenda Parish Council Meeting- 27 April 2023 Honorary Freedom Award

16 Apr 2023

Agenda Parish Council Meeting – 27 April 2023

05 Apr 2023

Statement of the persons nominated for election as a Parish Councillor for Woodchurch Ward.

22 Mar 2023

Extraordinary Meeting- 27 March 2023

22 Mar 2023

Notice of Election- Election of Borough Councillors

22 Mar 2023

Notice of Election- Election of Parish Councillors


18 Mar 2023

Agenda Parish Council Meeting – 23 March 2023

26 Feb 2023

Woodchurch Men’s Shed

Your Parish Council discussed the proposed diversion and extinguishment of part PROW AT204 within the environs of the Rare Breeds Centre and agreed to submit an objection statement with a suggested solution. The PROW & Access Service Department, Kent County Council’s (KCC) proposals are illustrated below and have been added to the Parish Councils web site. At your Parish Councils request, the submission date for comments has also been extended to 4th of March. We constantly recommend that those interested parishioners who have not already responded to Mr Michael Tonkin of KCC, and would like to do so, that you email KCC as soon as possible using the following contact details:
Michael Tonkin PROW & Access Service, Kent County Council, Invicta House, Maidstone, Kent.
Telephone: 03000 41 03 25
22 Feb 2023

Notice of Vacancy Office of Councillor

06 Mar 2023

Proposed diversion of AT204 (Part) and Extinguishment of AT204 (Part)

01 Feb 2023

Notice of Vacancy in Office of Councillor

09 Jan 2023

Parish Council Meeting Dates 

20 Dec 2022

Woodchurch Parish Council Budget 2023-2024

23 Oct 2022

Land North of Kirkwood Avenue- Public Meeting 13.10.2022

20 Nov 2022

Agenda- Parish Council Meeting 24 November 2022

27 Jan 2022

PC response Land north of 14 and 15 – January 2022 Rev 1

20 Aug 2021

Planning Comments – 01284 Land between, 82-120 Front Road, Woodchurch

24 Jun 2021

Planning Comments – 00624 Land south east of Bridge Close

31 Mar 2021


23 Jul 2021

Notice of Casual Vacancies July 2021